Bigscreen VR

What is the Collective?

The Collective is a group of Bigscreen hosts that have banded together to form an alliance built on providing quality entertainment, while also creating solid communities and fun environments free from hate and bigotry. We are made up of several large active communities forming one collective. Each community is geared toward different genres and ideas of movies/media, each encouraging discussion or riffing or both with the emphasis always on having a good time.

Every group that belongs to The Collective has been vetted and hand picked to make sure that certain standards are always being met, like consistency and room moderation.

This website provides information on each group and how to join their communities.

What is Bigscreen VR?

Bigscreen is a Virtual Reality app used on VR headset devices such as the Oculus among others. The Collectives’ hosts use Bigscreen exclusively for their streaming events.

With Bigscreen you can hang out with friends, collaborate with coworkers, play games, watch movies & much more.

But the best and worst part about Bigscreen are the people. In virtual reality, you can make life long friends and connections to people from all over. It can be easy to forget that you aren’t in the same room with them.

Of course, it can be just as easy to find unsavory people too. One of the The Collectives main principles is moderation. Making sure the bigscreen experience is free from the people that can make it a bad one is crucial. 

Visit the Bigscreen Website for more information.

Bigscreen VR