Friday Night Dead Lights

“At Friday Night Deadlights we pride ourselves in being one of the longest running and most consistent Bigscreen streamers. Our goal is to transport you back to carefree days where your biggest concern of the week is figuring out which movie to rent with your group of friends. Every Friday evening there will be a carefully curated double feature with a distinct vapor or retrowave aesthetic stinger. At intermission there is plenty of time to refresh that drink of yours or stay a while, and enjoy a short clip or skit that will have you laughing, horrified, or even baffled.

During the holiday season we get sentimental. You will see annual viewings of beloved Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas classics ranging from animated toons to tinsel soaked bloodbaths.

In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater feel free to talk during the movie or turn us down completely and enjoy the 80s schlock we are known for. This isn’t Oscar night, this is The Deadlights!”